Saturday, September 5, 2009

Give me my white shoes or give me death!

Okay so how much does this suck? Its a four day weekend off from school wonderful right? HA you're wrong. No it isn't wonderful when you think that in a mere two days you can never wear white until Easter! The agony! Last year my favorite pair of shoes sat on my shoe shelf for 9 long months. Every so often letting out a whimper!

So what now, I can't wear my gorgeous vintage white shoes that I got from the thrift store for a mere 2 bucks, just because some well kept women back in the forties said its not "fashionable"? I happen to be a pretty fashionable person if I do say so myself and these white shoes go with everything! They may look a wee bit tattered and a wee bit old but so does my mom and I still love her.

Now think about this, when I think about the winter I think about snow and when I think about snow...well the first thing I think about is how much I hate living near the ocean which means we hardly get any snow, BUT THEN I THINK ABOUT THE COLOR WHITE! I like to think of it as a simple mathematical equation: white snow+ white shows= non-clashing!

This really cheeses me off! I have nothing against black shoes in fact I think they are lovely! It's just *sigh* my white shoes look ever so lovely-er with my beautiful flawless complexion! This isn't just about the shoes, it's about the pants too (although I never dare to wear white pants they get dirty very quickly) I'm sure many people love to wear white pants epically if they grew up in the 80's!

I purpose that this silly nonsense be thrown out the window of a 20 story building in Manhatten and fall in to the gutter and be eaten by rats and mole people! Who cares if its after labor day! Who cares if it isn't Easter yet! Wear your white pants! Wear you're white shoes! Come on it's 2009 for pete's sake! It's time for some change! I for one am going to wear my white shoes on September 9th! Let serial mom try and stop me!

Oh by the way, HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! GO UNIONS!


  1. I'm sorry I spelled Manhattan wrong when you asked me. As for the white shoes, rock on! But they are just a tad flimsy for a snowy day.

  2. Glad to hear you still love your mom even though she is "a wee bit tattered and a wee bit old". My daughters feel the same(about me, not your mom) and it's nice to know.

    I've enjoyed reading your first 3 posts and am looking forward to hearing more from you.

  3. I being a 'if i can't wear my cowboys tshirt and converse tennies I dont wanna go' type I can tell you...wear what you want and a pox on anyone that doesn't like I was watching what not to wear and they said the no white after labor day was a bunch of crap..and if they don't know then who does..?
    and I love those shoes..

  4. Wear what you like, I say. :) Unless it's snowing, or otherwise extremely cold. In that case I recommend a pair of good snow boots, and the heck with fashion. Oh, wait...white snow boots? Hmm...

  5. Never been a fan of that silly rule myself, tho' I am truly a fan of your mom's blog. If you have her sense of humor I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy following yours as well.

    As an aside, may you have a great school year full of sweet surprises and many blessings.

    Mama Kelly

  6. Keep in mind that those fashionable rules about white on labor day quite possibly had a hold on society around that same time where you wimmin needed to stay home and cook us Working Men dinner, and tend the kids, and clean, and let us relax with our friends smoking and drinking, and... ;)
    So I say wear those shoes whenever you feel like it. It's today, not yesterday. Carpe Denim!
