Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stage Fright for the First Time!

As you can tell, Im well actually extremely dramatic! Remove Formatting from selectionNot to mention artist! So of couse I have been acting, dancing, and singing for as long as a remember in fact I have picture of me when I was three getting ready to dance in a recitle I was jasmine from aladan it was so cute! Anywho's I love acting I could imagine life without it! I would even love to be an actress when I grow up (a writer/actress on Saturday Night Live is my absoulute dream job).

This years fall play happens to be Fame. No not the musical, but the orignal scripts from the television show. It's my directors idea of orginallitly. He is basically Mr. Rogers with O.C.D. Normally the fall play has no singing in it for us 'More seriously" actors, but nooo this time there is going to be singing and dancing! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I am great at acting, and I can hold my own in dancing but when it comes to singing I get stage fright! I have no idea why though I'm normally confident in my talents but not this one! GRR!

So now I have to come up with a monologues (any suggestions????) and a song (any more suggestions im a soparno 1) and maybe through in a dance all in 4 minutes all by wensday! Oh my godess i have a long night ahead of me!


  1. I'm guessing that in your first paragraph you meant to say that you CAN'T imagine life without it.

    If you have to come up with monologue/song/dance by Wednesday, I recommend trying to stick to stuff you already know. Does any song/monologue/dance come to mind that you already know? Maybe you should just brush up on it.

    Break a leg!

  2. I agree. It's not fair. But you're only a sophomore. Maybe when you're a senior that silly director will actually pick a decent comedy.

  3. the only thing i did in high school was sing jailhouse rock and dress up in velvet and bows and recite lord faulteroy..I was a hit.
    cant you just lipsync? everyone else does..ha
